Win-It-Wednesday: Soothie Suckers Herbal Remedies

It’s that time of year again. Yup… the time of the dreaded sniffles, coughs, chills, runny noses, sore throats and more.  But this year is different because I have decided to tackle the colds that usually run rampant through my household before the first sniffle ever starts.

Welcome… Soothie Suckers!

Soothie Suckers are a great tasting, pre­measured herbal remedies that helps you fight the cold season. They are designed for children, but are perfect for anyone from the age of 2 to 92. Because the formulas are blended especially with children in mind, they use gentle herbs rather than harsh chemicals, over the counter drugs or antibiotics. Soothie Suckers come in two formulas. One helps support the immune system and the other the upper respiratory system, which means they assist in preventing colds… not just relieving the symptoms.

Made by a Mom (Marietta) for her young daughter (Esther), Soothie Suckers are made with the love, caring and understanding that only the best, all-natural ingredients are the way to go when it comes to helping your kids stay, and get, healthy. Soothie Suckers can now be found at select retailers and on-line at and (I love it when a woman-owned Mom business thrives!).  Also, make sure that you check out Marietta’s Facebook and Twitter accounts for Soothie Suckers!

Soothie Suckers are also free from allergens… including gluten, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, fish and shellfish.

Another thing to love is that these proprietary, all-natural herbal formulas are packaged in kid-friendly ice pop pouches (how fun!) and come in two natural flavors, grape and orange (my favorite!). And take your pick… these pouches can be served frozen, or at room temperature… whatever your fancy.

And remember… although Soothie Suckers are made with kid’s in mind, they are perfect for adults too. =)

All these reasons are why I am so excited that Soothie Suckers is the sponsor of this Win-It-Wednesday on

Four (yes, 4!) winners will each receive a prize pack of Soothie Suckers. Two (2) of the winners will be randomly selected from all comments / entries received before Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 11:59 PM (EST), and two (2) more winners will be selected from all comments / entries received between Wednesday, January 22, 2014 at 12:00 AM (EST) and Tuesday, January 28, 2014 at 11:59 PM (EST).

How Can You Win?


Reply to this blog and tell us which Soothie Sucker looks the best to you (immune support or upper respiratory support). Also please feel free to share how you make yourself or your family “feel good” when you do get a cold or sniffles (Me? Bundled up in soft, warm blankets with hot tea & honey).

Good luck, keep well and cold free, and, as always…

Be Free!

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41 Responses to “Win-It-Wednesday: Soothie Suckers Herbal Remedies”

  1. Larc Says:

    Who couldn’t use a little immune support? I teach kindergarten, and my 28 sweeties are not super great at remembering to cover their noses and coughs. I usually get strep throat at least once a year. Any extra immune support would ROCK!

  2. Chantal Fray Says:

    Would love to try any of them!!I make my family homemade chicken soup in my crockpot when they are under the weather!!! For them it’s comfort food!

  3. Erin Ellis Says:

    The immune support looks the best to me! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  4. Cassandra Archambault Says:

    They all look amazing. Strawberry looks like the best!

  5. theresa Says:

    I would love to try the immune support for sure. I love how they are allergy free. Wondering if they are dye free as well? I am always amazed that medication don’t have to list allergens and how often my child reacts to them. I am glad you list them and I hope that they will be listed on your packaging as well as that is the first thing I look for. If I see that then I am a loyal customer.

  6. Wendy Brazeau Says:

    i would like either one of them..the flu is terrible this year..
    i just bundle up and hope to ride through the virus

  7. Michelle Says:

    I’d like the immune support! When anyone in our house is under the weather, that means it is time to hit the couch with the fluffy, comfy blanket and pillow. Lots of liquids and lots of rest. And of course, lots of love!

  8. Chelsie Says:

    This cold/flu season has been rough on my son so I would love to try the immune support!

  9. cindy w. Says:

    I think the immune support suckers would be great. Lots of extra rest and fluids helps me get through an illness.

  10. Soothie Suckers Says:

    Thanks for asking! The colors and flavor additions are all from natural sources. Fruit peels, concentrates, etc.
    We are so excited to share what we have made 🙂
    Yours in Good Health,

  11. Neda Says:

    Lets try the immune support first!
    Well, depending on the symptoms, might use some appropriate medications + warm liquids & rest if possible!

  12. Margoka Says:

    I make tea and flavor it with honey and lemon.

  13. Margoka Says:

    I make tea and flavor it with honey and lemon.

  14. Eileen sanders Says:

    Strawberry sounds the best to me.

  15. Soothie Suckers Says:

    I love honey and lemon!! I sometimes add fresh ginger and a little cayenne for warmth! yum!….

  16. Karen Says:

    Strawberry….yum. It depends on what is going on for me. If it’s sinus, I take 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (the good stuff with mother) with water (or with water and honey). If it’s bronchial, I take a teaspoon of cinnamon with honey and hot water. But I give myself permission to just stop, curl up with a movie or music, and climb into bed. Even better when the cat joins me.

  17. Danielle B Says:

    The immune support sounds great, but I also have issues with my sinuses once winter rolls around 🙁

    When I’m sick I like to drink tons of yummy juice and lay on a heating pad to stay warm and cozy.

  18. Janet Says:

    I would like the immune support! (I would also like the other as well, but right now I could use the immune support!). I substitute teach and I am around so many different age kids that are always sick, I could use the boost!
    As always thanks so much for offering these giveaways for people to try!
    When my family gets sick I make soups that will warm them and I bundle them up and let them hang on the couch and watch their favorite shows!

  19. Bonnie Dubé Says:

    Pour moi c’est le soutien immunitaire en premier. Ensuite la douce chaleur du thé avec miel et citron et je m’enroule dans ma doudou. Note… Translates to: “For me it is immune support first. Then the warmth of tea with honey and lemon and I wrap myself in my blanket.” =)

  20. Debbie Says:

    hummm…. food for thought, “we are what we eat” and mmmmmmmm blueberry.

  21. Jennifer Says:

    I would have to say the strawberry but really any would do. What I do is make sure that they have chicken noodle soup, plenty of Orange juice as well as water, plenty of rest or I do a vaporizer

  22. elaine Says:

    I would love to try the immune support!!!!!
    I over due the green tea, drink tons of it, I take a ton of vitmain C, vicks on the feet with big warm socks when I go to bed, and sweat!!!!!! work out in a hot sweater, and sweat it out!!!!! Pee and sweat…..flush it out!

  23. cassie Says:

    The immune support would be best for me, especially since I am working at a daycare with children who are constantly being sent home with health problems such as fevers, colds, and upset stomachs. the room I work in, toddlers, is known as the sickest is the winter time. Right now when ill I use a peppermint oil and lavender oil, tea, sitting by fire, and resting.

  24. Rosanna Taylor Says:

    I have a great niece and great nephew who catch an amazing amount of colds. Either of the Soothie Suckers Herbal Remedies sound wonderful to me. Anything to relieve these symptoms for these two kids.

  25. Britney Hardin Says:

    First, I would want the immune support and depending on how that helped I would want the upper respiratory support. For me, I love to cuddle up in the bed and watch tv. For my family, I make them soup.

  26. Cassandra A. Says:

    Immune support! That would definitely be needed! Would love to try.

  27. elaine Says:

    I work in a an open office! Germs are everywhere! Every single day someone is off! No kidding, we make bets who it is going to be next! I insisted a air purifier be bought for the office, it is that bad! I desperately need this!!!!!

  28. Chantal Fray Says:

    Immune support, very important for everyday life!! To keep my family feeling happy when under the weather aside from my homemade soup…comes plenty of love!! And water….

  29. Chelsie Says:

    I would have to say the immune support!

  30. cindy w. Says:

    I think both could be helpful depending on what kind of illness you have.

  31. robin Says:

    immune support would be great! when someone in the house is sick we all huddle under warm blankets drink plenty of water and watch tons of family movies

  32. Neda Says:

    Upper respiratory support; lets see if it works!

  33. cb Says:

    Respiratory support – everyone is getting sinus infections around here. Using zinc and of course tea, honey, lemon.

  34. Katheryn Says:

    I am sneezing and sniffling at the moment so it is hard to choose, I think Upper Respiratory would be good! I have never had Strawberry flavor , I would like to try it…

  35. Eileen Says:

    The immune support would be great.

  36. Cassandra A. Says:

    Strawberry for sure!

  37. Amy Says:

    I could definitely use immune support. My immune system is not very good.

  38. Alison Says:

    I love to hear when a natural product is created by a human being and not machines/chemicals/corporations!!!
    Well done! I think the upper respiratory support would be a yummy intro, as it is this system that meets/greets/filters the germs as we breathe em in… I generally advise to drink lotsa water, take lotsa Vit C (>2,000mg), make a tea from boiling water with an inch of ginger and reducing it, and/or chopping up a clove of raw garlic into pill-size pieces and swallowing those pieces with milk. Oh yeah, and sleeping as much as possible!
    PS: Thanks for all the ideas…

  39. Rita Whirls Says:

    The immune support sound good. This is how I make myself and my family “feel good” when we do get a cold or sniffles we bundle up in soft warm blankets with hot soup and plenty of rest.



  41. Kathleen Reale Says:

    And the winners are…

    Chelsie from FL
    Jennifer from SD
    Neda from IL
    Kathryn from KY

    Please check your inbox for an email from us confirming your address!

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