Friday Favorite: Glutino Chicken Pizza with BBQ Sauce

There are a lot of frozen gluten free pizzas out there that are good – but they all seem to be the same old bland everyday flavors: 3-Cheese, Pepperoni, Vegetable.


That is why my eyes perked up and my taste buds got going when I saw Glutino’s Gluten-Free Chicken Pizza with BBQ Sauce in my grocers freezer last month.

Made with a crispy (can you say “tastes like the real deal?”) brown rice crust, this pizza is crowded with tasty pieces of white chicken meat, mozzarella and Monterey Jack cheeses and a smoky, yet sweet, BBQ sauce and spices. I was impressed with the abundance of toppings.

Another bonus this pizza is not only packed with calcium, and is a good source of Vitamin A and iron.

I also find it super important to note that this individual sized pizza is a nice sized portion that fills you up. Plus, the serving portion on the package is realistic: it says that one pizza is one serving… which made me smile since it meant I could enjoy the whole entire pie… all by myself… for just 310 calories!

Any way you slice it – variety, flavor, and being able to eat a whole delicious gluten-free pizza for a little over 300 calories are some of the reasons why this week’s BeFreeForMe Friday Favorite goes out to Glutino Food’s Chicken Pizza with BBQ Sauce!

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