Friday Favorite: Sunshine Gluten-Free Veggie Burgers

I’m all for a big juicy burger straight from the grill, but recently I’ve been trying to eat meat-free at least a few times a week. The question is what is a burger-loving gluten-free gal to cook up?

Sunshine Veggie Burgers to the rescue!

I’ve found that most veggie burgers are packed with gluten. But Sunshine Veggie Burgers are free of gluten, and also contain no soy. Sunshine Burgers also contain sunflower seeds and Lundberg Family Farms brown rice.

My favorite Sunshine Burger is the Southwest variety, but they also come in Original, Garden Herb and Barbecue varieties too. I haven’t checked them out yet, but Sunshine Burger also makes a Falafel and a Breakfast patty as well.

No Meat and No Gluten – but tons of flavor are the reasons why this week Friday Favorite is presented to Sunshine Burgers.

Shine on!

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3 Responses to “Friday Favorite: Sunshine Gluten-Free Veggie Burgers”

  1. Christine Borruso Says:

    I love these. They are very tasty. I eat the original. One is never enough .

  2. Caroline Leithiser Says:

    It’s hard to be a vegetarian and gluten-free so Sunshine burgers are a welcome addition to my household. You can thaw and crumble, lightly brown and use in tacos and spaghetti sauce too.

  3. Sue Edwards Says:

    I can’t wait to try them. Since I have been eating gluten free, I have missed my veggie burgers! And now I can even put it on a gluten free bun!!!!

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