Friday Favorite: Quest Bars

If you are looking for a bar that is packed (and I mean PACKED!) with protein look for further than the Quest Bar.

Packed with 20 grams of protein a bar, healthy ingredients, and containing no sugar or artificial sweeteners, this gluten-free and high fiber bar is screaming “eat me… I’m good for you!”

The Quest Bar is a perfect choice for those that need a high protein snack between meals. All-natural and super-tasty this bar has quickly become one of my favorites.

The Banana Nut Muffin is my favorite, but other varieties include Vanilla Almond Crunch, Apple Pie, Strawberry Cheesecake… and more.

Perfect for athletes, between meal snackers, and even diabetics… this week’s Friday Favorite on is awarded to Quest Bars. Congratulations!

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One Response to “Friday Favorite: Quest Bars”

  1. Wendy Swartz Says:

    I am recently disabled and can no longer walk. I used to go out almost every day and try to do 1 good deed a day. Most times I would do it when nobody was looking. The idea behind that was that it would be a sign that there are still good people out here and perhaps by getting something for nothing maybe that person will feel inclined to do the same.
    I wish good deeds would become an epidemic in our Country,

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