Posts Tagged ‘dairy-free halloween candy list 2011’

Halloween Gluten-Free Candy List 2011

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

I love Halloween. What a perfect time for a kid – you can dress up to be whatever your little heart desires, troll the neighborhood with your best friends & siblings after dark, and collect a bounty of candy to boot. But when you put the gluten-free diet and food allergies into the mix, the treats collected can often become a trick.

Over the past few weeks I’ve had many members asking for a gluten-free (or a dairy-free, nut-free, casein-free) Halloween Candy List. So to make things easy for everyone I have found a few websites that list the most popular Halloween Candy and their gluten-free / dairy-free / nut-free / casein-free status.

Please note that some of the lists include candy that is made on the same lines as wheat or other allergens – so use your judgment if this candy should be consumed by your child (or… admit it…. by YOU!)

As always… read all ingredient labels and if you have any questions, call the manufacturer direct!

Here are the lists that I found: – Gluten-free & Allergen-free lists – Gluten-free candy list; Canadian and US lists – Gluten-free candy list – Dairy-Free Halloween Candy List
Bay Area Allergy Advisory Board – Has a Peanut/Tree Nut free list; a gluten-free list and a gluten & casein-free list.

Be Free! Peace Out (Yes… I am the hippie in the upper right corner of the photo!)  And a Safe & Happy Halloween to ALL!

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