Posts Tagged ‘Gluten free foods at Passover’

Isn’t This Just Kosher?

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

Passover is a fantastic time to scoop up some phenomenal gluten-free products at some great prices!

What distinguishes food that is eaten at Passover? During this religious holiday observing the Hebrews’ exodus from Egypt, observers eat matzo instead of bread. They also refrain from eating “chometz” during the weeklong holiday – that includes barley, wheat, rye and oats (plus leavening).

I found a blog, Gluten-Free Nosh, run by a gal named Eve, whose youngest daughter was diagnosed with celiac disease three years ago. In her blog Eve shares how to create gluten-free versions of her family’s favorite and traditional Jewish foods, along with tips and pointers to navigate your way through a gluten-free lifestyle.

Just recently Eve wrote a blog post that includes a comprehensive list of gluten-free foods found during Passover.  Her blog posting is a must read for everyone! So make sure you check it out, and bring it with you during this week’s grocery shopping trip.

P.S. I also am dying to try Eve’s Gluten-Free Matzo Ball Soup recipe.

Thanks Eve for this great blog post!

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