Posts Tagged ‘Gluten-Free Graham Crackers’

Friday Favorite: Mary’s Gone Cracker’s Graham Crackers

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

I normally don’t award the Friday Favorite to a product that is so new that you can’t even find them in stores yet. However, there are exceptions… especially when the product is so craved, so awaited for and so , dare I say… needed… that I can’t stop my myself from chatting, blogging and praising the product.

That is why this week’s Friday Favorite is awarded to Mary’s Gone Crackers Graham Crackers.

Yes… gluten-free graham crackers!

 I tried these products at a recent trade show and they’re to die for.  The texture, the taste and the versatility of these graham crackers are everything a celiac could want, plus more.

The cookies are just like a “regular” graham cracker – perfect for ‘smores, a graham cracker crust, or eaten right out of the box. But,in fact, I actually prefer the all-natural, gingery-snappy taste of these gluten-free graham crackers over “regular” graham crackers. How many times can you say that?

Keep your eyes open for these long-awaited gluten-free graham crackers in a store near you, and dream about those ‘Smores that you’ll be able to welcome into your summer BBQ once again! Congratulations to Mary’s Gone Crackers on being awarded this week’s Friday Favorite on! … and a big thank you too!

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