Posts Tagged ‘gluten free Vietnamese Noodle Salad’

Vietnamese Noodle Salad: Check out the video!

Monday, October 1st, 2012

O.K. I admit it. I’m addicted.

My addiction? Cooking shows and videos. Maybe it’s the “I-think-I-could-make-that” gumption that overtakes me every time I see a fabulous dish being prepared right before my very eyes on my computer screen or TV; or maybe it’s the lure of exploring new and exciting dishes – recipes that require some ingredient that I haven’t tried before, but have enticed me and have beckoned me to explore in the past.

That’s why I was so excited to review the National Foundation for Celiac Disease Awareness’s Alternative Appetites cooking video that features a likeable & fun personality, Dan Kohler, who triple-confirmed my confidence that I too could make a fabulous dish that even contains a few items that are not on my weekly shopping list.

The Alternative Appetites video shows how to make a Vietnamese Noodle Salad that is made with Thai Kitchen’s new Brown Rice Noodles. The noodles come in three great varieties: Brown Rice, Red Rice, and Purple Rice & Corn.These noodles are great because they cook-up in minutes and are perfect for a quick lunch or dinner. I also like the way the noodles come in 4 single serve packs per box. No waste, and perfect for making a noodle side dish or a quick lunch for one. This recipe also features Mirin and Thai Kitchen’s Roasted Chili Paste – two ingredients that I’ve been dying to play around with and try in recipes, but never really knew how to use them.

This recipe is really easy and quick to make. The whole thing was ready in less than 20 minutes which makes it a fantastic weekday dish. And tasty it is too. I loved the way the slight heat of the Thai Kitchen Roasted Chili Paste, mellowed perfectly with the cool chopped cucumber I used to top the salad.

I also love the way this recipe allows you to make it your own. Love carrots? Gotta thing for pea pods? Craving some ginger? No problemo. Grate, slice or chop some up and use as a topping on this salad to make it your own.

This recipe is a keeper, and one you all should try! It got me even further out of my gluten-free cooking comfort zone and has most definitely made its way onto my family’s dinner menu rotation. Thanks NFCA and your Alternative Appetites video series! Also, make sure to check out more Thai Kitchen videos and more blogger reviews here.

BONUS: Want to win some of these Thai Kitchen products? The NFCA is hosting a weekly giveaway now through 10/12/12. Enter to win here!

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