Posts Tagged ‘Natural Nectar Choco Dream Crispy Rice Stix’

Win-It-Wednesday: Natural Nectar Choco Dream Crispy Rice Stixs

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

chocodream-RICE-STICKS-original-x5-e1470149628140If you love crunchy sweetness this Win-It-Wednesday is for you!

Natural Nectar makes these awesome crispy & crunchy chocolate filled sweets. Better than a cookie, or even a candy bar, these treats contain no trans fat, no artificial colors or flavors, and no high fructose corn syrup. They are also Certified Gluten-Free.

At only 58 calories per stick these are perfect for those looking for a little sweetness in their day.

I love to enjoy them with a cup of tea, but they are also great in lunchboxes or at snack time too.

All these reasons are why I am so very excited to have Natural Nectar Choco Dream Crispy Rice Stixs as the prize for this Win-It-Wednesday on

Two (2) lucky winners will each receive a box of the Crispy Rice Stixs filled with cocoa spread. One (1) winner will be randomly selected from all comments/entries received before Tuesday, May 23, 2017 at 11:59 PM (EST) and one (1) more winner will be randomly selected from all comments/entries received between Wednesday, May 24 and Tuesday, May 30, 2017. So make sure you enter TWO TIMES to win!

How Can You Win?


Reply to this blog and tell us what Crispy Rice Stix variety looks the best to you (Is it the original or the double cocoa?). Good luck, Stay sweet, and, as always…

Be Free!


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