Posts Tagged ‘Spinach’

Secret Weapon: Spinach

Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Just one single can of spinach did the trick for Popeye. One can is all he needed to tackle the biggest problem to the bitter end.

Was Popeye onto something? Is it possible to learn from Popeye’s problem solving spinach strategies? Could spinach possibly be the secret weapon in the kitchen that all food allergic and gluten free folks have been searching for?

Spinach may well indeed be the secret weapon of the century. High is calcium, iron, Vitamin C, fiber and magnesium it is a power packed super food. Economical too.

Spinach is also the cleverest vegetable around when it comes to changing appearances and reappearing in different disguises. Souffléd, sautéed, steamed, or as a foundation of a salad, spinach is by far one of the most versatile vegetables around. It can be incorporated into every meal – as an omelet stuffing for breakfast, greens for a mid-day salad, and as a side dish for dinner.

So, let’s learn from Popeye – roll up those sleeves, flex a little muscle and dig into your favorite secret weapon spinach recipes today.

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