Posts Tagged ‘starbucks gluten free items’

Gluten Free Items Being Considered at Star Bucks?

Thursday, January 29th, 2009

Should we all start thanking our lucky stars? Is there more to Starbucks than a good cup of joe for celiacs and the gluten free everywhere?  How about the dairy, soy and nut avoiders too? Should Starbucks include other allergen free products in new item introductions as well?

According to a Starbucks blog post, they are considering offering some gluten free food options in their stores. Click here to read the article posting on Starbucks blog.

Knowing that there is more strength in numbers than a triple grande expresso, I thought it would be a great idea to pool all of our ideas & comments here on this post, and I would compile and submit them to the new product innovators over at Starbucks.


According to the information they posted they want to know:

• What specific gluten-free products would you like to see in our stores?

• Would you prefer to see it individually packaged or unpackaged?

• How would you like to learn we have gluten-free products? For example, would you like to see it on a sign or would you prefer the barista tell you?

• Where would you like to see gluten-free products in the store; in the pastry case or placed elsewhere?

• The ingredient costs of gluten-free products tend to be higher, so would you understand if we charged more for the gluten-free version?

Please help support our celaic and food allergic community and cause! Reply to this post today and I will submit all comments together as the strong demographic we are!

We are celiac and the food allergic … hear us roar!
Be Free!

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