Posts Tagged ‘Valentines Day’

Simple Love. Gluten-Free Style.

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Since being diagnosed with celiac disease, I’ve started to appreciate the simple little things in life. I’m not real sure if it has to do with growing-up… getting older, getting wiser… or my actual celiac diagnosis, but I do know one thing: The little things that my family, friends and even strangers do since being diagnosed with celiac disease have really made me slow down, take notice, and appreciate the itty-bitty small things … the things that others don’t have to do… Yet they still do them.

And it’s funny… because when I mention this to others that have celiac disease they nod their heads in genuine agreement. They too have caught the appreciation that comes with the territory.

Not a bad symptom that comes with the diagnosis.

The little things. The simple things. Things like a single gluten-free cupcake bought just for you from the girls at the office; gluten-free articles and recipes clipped from magazines from my sister-in-law to be; my fiancé who doesn’t have a clue how to bake but he makes and decorates my gluten-free birthday cake – his first ever; a funny comic strip about gluten-free living sent in the mail from Mom and Dad; a text from my sister enthusiastically sharing a gluten-free restaurant find.

The list, and my appreciation, goes on.

So this Valentine’s Day I’m keeping things simple. If those in my world keep doing exactly what they’re doing I will continue to be one happy girl. No extravagant dinner reservations, no jewels, no 2-pound boxes of chocolates…and no dozen roses for me.

This Valentine’s Day just keep on giving me the simple things in life.

And thanks to you all, I now take the time to stop and smell the roses in the bouquet of my gluten-free life.

Question: Does anyone else feel the same way about noticing and really appreciating the little things in life? If so… please share!

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