Ask Shelley Case: How to Make the Gluten-Free Diet More Nutritious!

Q. I am eating a gluten-free diet, but also want to make sure that I am choosing the most nutritious food choices too. Can you help?

Answer: In the quest to eliminate gluten from the diet, many people forget about the importance of good nutrition! The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) MyPyramid and Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating are practical tools to help individuals make healthy food choices. These tools differ somewhat with regard to the types of foods that are in specific groups, their serving size and recommended number of servings per day for each food group. The total amount per day for each group is based on factors such as age, body size, activity level and sex. The following chart has incorporated many of the key components of these tools with adaptations for the gluten-free diet. The symbol GF denotes gluten-free.







Grain Products








GF grain alternatives [e.g., amaranth, buckwheat, cornmeal, millet, Montina ™, oats (GF pure, uncontaminated), quinoa, rice (black, brown, red, white, wild), sorghum, teff]


GF breads, rolls, bagels, muffins


GF ready-to-eat cold cereals


GF hot cereals – e.g., amaranth; cornmeal; cream of buckwheat or brown rice or white rice; rolled oats (GF pure, uncontaminated), hominy or soy grits; rice flakes; soy flakes)


GF pasta -e.g., bean, 100% buckwheat, corn, pea, potato, quinoa/corn, quinoa/rice, soy, rice (brown, white, wild)


GF corn or rice tortillas


GF pancake and waffles





1.        Choose GF whole grains* more often  e.g., amaranth, buckwheat, cornmeal (whole grain- not degermed), millet, oats (GF pure, uncontaminated), quinoa, rice (black, brown, red, wild), sorghum, teff


2.       Choose enriched GF products more often. Not all GF breads, flours, cereals and pastas are enriched with iron and B vitamins and are often lower in fiber as many are made from refined flours and starches.


3.       Choose breads, rolls, bagels, muffins, cereals and pastas from flours and starches that are higher in fiber, protein and vitamins and minerals  e.g., amaranth, buckwheat, flax, legumes, mesquite, millet, Montina™, oats (GF pure, uncontaminated), quinoa, rice (brown), sorghum, teff



* Whole grains contain the entire grain seed (usually called the kernel) and consist of three parts- the bran, germ and endosperm. Refined grains have most of the bran and some of the germ removed which results in the loss of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutritional components.





















Fresh, frozen or canned fruits and fruit juices


Dried fruits



1.       To get more fiber, choose fruit instead of juice.


2.       Choose unsweetened frozen fruit or canned fruit in 100% fruit juice or water.


3.       Choose orange-colored fruits (e.g., apricot, cantaloupe, orange, mango, nectarine, peach, red or pink grapefruit) more often as they are high in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (naturally occurring health compounds)


4.       Choose 100% fruit juice rather than fruit beverages which contain less juice and more added sugar.


5.       Some juices (e.g., orange) are enriched with calcium and/or vitamin D.











Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables and vegetable juices


Dried fruits



1.       Choose dark green and yellow/orange vegetables (e.g., broccoli, carrot, pumpkin, romaine lettuce, squash, sweet potato) more often as they are high in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.




Milk Products








Milk (fluid and dried powdered)


Milk (lactose-free, lactose-reduced)




Yogurt and yogurt-based beverages


Milk-based desserts (e.g., puddings made with milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, ice milk)



1.       Choose lower-fat milk products more often.


2.       Milk and some yogurt products are enriched with vitamin D which is a key nutrient that aids in the absorption of calcium. Cheese, ice cream, commercial pudding cups and some yogurts are not enriched with vitamin D)


3.       Many brands of non-dairy beverages (e.g., nut, potato, rice, soy) and some orange/other fruit juices may be enriched with calcium and/or vitamin D but may not provide the other nutrients found in milk products.


Meats, Beans and Alternatives








Meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs


Legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils)


Nuts and seeds


GF tofu, GF tempeh, GF texturized vegetable protein, GF veggie burgers



1.       Choose leaner meats and poultry as well as legumes more often.


2.       Flax seeds and walnuts. Along with some fish (e.g., herring, salmon, trout) are high in omega-3 fatty acids which play a positive role in heart health.


3.       Some seeds and nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower) are good sources of vitamin E.






















* This group is in MyPyramid. Canada’s Food Guide does not specifically include this group.



Oils (e.g., canola, coconut, corn, cottonseed, olive, palm kernel, peanut, safflower, sesame seed, walnut)


Foods naturally high in oils (e.g., avocado, flax, nuts, olives, some fish)


Solid fat (butter, beef fat [tallow, suet], pork fat [lard], stick margarine, shortening)


Foods high in solid fats (e.g., many cheese, cream, well-marbled cuts of meat, regular ground beef, bacon, poultry skin)



1.        All oils and fats are a mixture of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids.


2.        Most oils( except coconut and palm kernel) contain more monounstarurated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.


3.        Solid fats and coconut and palm kernel oils contain more saturated fatty acids and/or trans fats than unsaturated oils.


4.        Limit solid fats and coconut and palm kernel oils as saturated fats and trans fats raise LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood which are a factor in coronary heart disease.




From: Gluten-Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide 2008 by Shelley Case, RD. Case Nutrition Consulting Inc. Publisher.

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2 Responses to “Ask Shelley Case: How to Make the Gluten-Free Diet More Nutritious!”

  1. Mary Donohue Says:

    Dear Shelley,
    I have just been diagnosed with Diabetes, what do I do next since I have Celiac Disease?

  2. gluten free pizza calgary Says:

    My husband’s preferred dessert is flan, but he does not tolerate lactose anymore. I make my flan with Carnation, 1 sweetened can and 1 evaporated milk can. I’m not sure how it will turn out if I do it with lactose-free milk. Any suggestions?

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